Volunteer #2 - Custom
This layout uses the "volunteer" category list in the articles module. All articles need to have this category assigned, as well as one of the three sub categories (Serve in our Church, Serve in our Community & World or Serve in Worship).

Category Tabs
Content > Link Lists > Volunteer Categories
The category tabs are managed by the link list "Volunteer Categories". The name of the link entry is the tab name.
The first 3 tabs are used for the "serve" categories:
- The description field of each has the slug title of the respective category in the articles module (ie: serve-in-our-community-world). When this slug is used, the "All" filter button will show + all articles assigned to that category.
- If the link entry has an image, it will show in the right column, and the article list will be one column instead of two on desktop.
- If the link entry does not have a description slug then the second level links for that entry will show as columns.
The last item in the link list is for the "not sure where to serve" tab. The two child links underneath control each column, and the sub title, description text and the url/button text combination is supported.
See full layout guide: http://setupguides.ekklesia360.com/m/e360_layouts/l/538078-volunteer-opportunities-2