Subpage Overview
The "Subpage Fullwidth" is the default layout for your subpage and displays the page content at full width of the page container. The "Subpage Default" template displays the page content with a sidebar on the right. The "Style Guide" page has been setup to display all the default styles available for your site.
Note - the Index template is only used for the home page and operates the same as your "Subpage Fullwidth" template.
Page Settings
Page Title
The page will automatically display in the header image area. The checkbox "Hide Page Title" removes the title from the page.
Header Tagline
This will add an optional description in the header area below the page title.
Page Description
The page description field is optional and can also be used to help with SEO.
Header Overlay
This check box option will add a dark overlay to your header image, so the text overtop is more visible.
Header Text
This will add content overtop of your static header image or background video. This works the same as the page content field, so you can include text, buttons, etc. The text will display centered as the default.
If this field is used, the page title and header tagline will automatically be hidden.