Spanish Subsite
This navigation is setup under the "Spanish" menu item which shows at the bottom of the main navigation tree. This is linked to the Spanish homepage. The navigation to display on the Spanish subsite should be setup under the Spanish menu item

Note: The Spanish menu item should not be changed or removed.
Alert Bar
Content > Link Lists > Spanish - Alert Bar
This will auto-rotate through alert text in the header area, and each alert should be setup as a separate item in the link list. Within each item, only the name and link fields are used.
To turn off the alert, simply make sure there is no content in the section OR you can re-name the link list (eg. "Spanish - Alert Bar - Off") and then you can label the section back to "Alert Bar" when you would like to turn it on.
The section labeled "Spanish - Footer – Contact Info" controls the organization name, address and phone.
For the links and social icons, the following link lists are used:
- Spanish - Footer Links – Column 1
- Spanish - Footer Links – Column 2
- Spanish - Social Links
The newsletter sign up is hard coded to display in Spanish.
The Spanish homepage template is titled "Spanish - Index", and the overall structure works the same as your main homepage -> see overview here.
A number of sections are setup for the Spanish homepage, and they are labeled with the "Spanish - Home" prefix.

These duplicate monklets are also setup for use on the Spanish homepage and subpages.
- Spanish - Section Monklet - Latest Video
- Spanish - Section Monklet - Story List
- Spanish - Section Monklet - Upcoming Events
Note: these three monklets include hard code Spanish words, but you can use any of the other general section monklets available for the site.
You have two subpage templates available for your Spanish subsite: Spanish - Subpage and Spanish - Subpage Fullwidth. These function the same as your standard subpage templates here, but these Spanish versions must be used in order for your subpages to show included in the Spanish subsite.
Additional Layouts
The additional layouts available for the Spanish subsite start with the prefix "Spanish" in the template name. You must use one of the Spanish templates in order for the page to show included with the Spanish subsite.
Articles must be published to the "Spanish" group.
The parent "Spanish Stories" category is used for this layout, so any sub categories should be added under this parent one (ie: podcasts, news, etc). Articles will need to have the parent "Spanish Stories" category assigned or one of the sub categories from this list, in order to show on the layout.
See full layout guide:
This layout will not show in the pages module but will be an option to select as the template when creating a new Spanish blog, under Content > Blogs > Blogs tab > "Add New Blog" button (or select an existing blog) > template dropdown.
The specific blog then needs to be selected when creating the posts.
Within the event module, the parent "Spanish Events" category is used for this layout, so all categories need to be listed under this parent one.
The "Spanish - Events - Default Image" link list sets a default image for featured events that don't have one loaded in.
See full layout guide:
This layout works the same as the default Giving #2 template. The "giving 2" sections and link lists can be duplicated and used for the Spanish giving page.
See full layout guide:
This Spanish layout works the same as the main custom history layout -> see here. You can use the same "Timeline" link list or create a new one to be used for the Spanish content.
In the page "description" field, the slug version of the link list title needs to be added (ie: timeline).
For this layout, you can add a page category or group to filter all module monklets by a parameter (articles, events, sermons, and small groups). However, the blogs monklet will need to have the "find" parameter added to pull a specific blog.
A number of sections are setup for this layout, and they are labeled with the "Spanish - Hub" prefix.
There are also a number of duplicate monklets setup specific to the Spanish hub layout and are labeled with the "Spanish - Hub 1 Monklet" prefix.

See full layout guide:
This Spanish layout works the same as the default Ministry #1 template. A number of sections are setup for this layout, and they are labeled with the "Spanish - Ministry (Reusable)" prefix.

There are also a number of duplicate monklets setup specific to the Spanish ministry layout and are labeled with the "Spanish - Ministry 1 Layout" prefix.

The following links lists are used for this layout:
- Spanish - Next Steps 1 Announcements - controls the rotator at the top of the layout (optional)
- Spanish - Next Steps 1 - Floating Link - controls the sticky bubble at the bottom right of the layout (optional)
See full layout guide:
Sermons records must be assigned to the "Spanish" group. The rest of the layout works the same as the default Sermons #5 template.
See full layout guide:
This layout works the same as the default Special Events #1 template. The "special event" sections can be duplicated and used for the Spanish special event pages.
See full layout guide:
Groups assigned to any of the "Spanish - Staff" series will display on the layout. The overall setup works the same as the default staff #3 layout.