Classfinder #1

The Classfinder #1 layout is a great way to showcase all the classes your organization offers. You can highlight what classes are happening that week, classes that are starting soon, and users can search classes by category, day of the week, or if there is childcare available.


The Classfinder uses the Events Module in the CMS.

To populate the Classfinder, you will navigate to Events > Events > Add a New Event. Add all the class details to the event. 

Events assigned to the category "Classfinder #1" will be used for this layout. While setting up your class event, you will see an option to add categories.  The parent category of "Classfinder #1" is required to display the class on the page.  You can also add as many Child categories of Classfinder #1 that you like. Child categories are optional.


Categories: Child Categories under the parent category "Classfinder #1" will be used for the category filter.

Childcare: The category "Classfinder #1 Childcare" is used to flag classes with childcare.  This category should not be updated. Assign this category to any class that has childcare available.

Day of the Week: The days under the category "Classfinder #1 Day" are required in order to filter an event by a day of the week.  These categories should not be updated and the days in the filter are updated to display without the "Classfinder #1" verbiage. Assign these categories to classes that happen on a specific day of the week.

Assigning any of the above category options to your class event will cause that class to display when a user filters by that option.


The classfinder layout has been setup with monklets in order to allow you to display both the filter and the list view of classes in any full width section. You can also feature classes that are starting soon, or coming up this week. Click on the titles below for more information about using each of these monklets.