Homepage Overview
Websites > Pages > Index
The "Index" template is your homepage template and is assigned automatically to your home page. In the CMS, your homepage will be titled "Index" and cannot be changed. This template operates the same as your "Subpage Fullwidth" template, with the exception of being able to add a true background image to each of your full width sections.
The home page (Index) works using various modules and elements throughout Ekklesia. The basics are:
- Header area: three options - static image, looping/muted background video or image rotator. The header area also includes the countdown timer.
- Sections: nine fullwidth sections available (utilizing monklets)
Header Area
The header options for your homepage are the same for your subpage templates: static image, looping/muted background video or image rotator.
Optional Header Fields
The field "Header Text" adds content overtop of your static header image or background video. This works the same as the page content field, so you can include text, buttons, etc.
This "Header Overlay" check box option will add a dark overlay to your header image or background video, so the text overtop is more visible.
The "Header Large Height" check box option is being used on the homepage to increase the height of the billboard area.
Countdown Timer
The "Billboard Monklet - Event Countdown" monklet is used and is only supported in the "Header Text" field of the page. This monklet displays a countdown timer tied to the most recent event with the "Live Event" category. You can use the "find_category" inline parameter to display from a specific event category.
ex: {{billboard-monklet-event-countdown|find_category="live-event"}}
By default, specific fields within the "live" event settings will be used to control the countdown bar info:
- Website - controls the "watch live" link
- Title - controls the button text during the countdown
- Summary - controls the button text when live
Settings > Link Lists > "Countdown"
You can override the event text and url options with this link list, and the list should only have a single link entry. The following fields are used:
- Link - controls the "watch live" link
- Description- controls the text before the timer
- Button text - controls the linked text when an event is live
Note: you can test the "live" version by adding "/?live=true" to the end of your homepage url.
The rest of the page is controlled via sections, and the homepage sections function the same way as the "Subpage Fullwidth" template.
Home - Welcome Buttons
Settings > Link Lists > Welcome Buttons
Displays section displays linked items from the Link Lists module as large custom button links. Within each item, the "sub title" field displays in the smaller top heading, and the "name" field is used for the larger heading. Each link should also have a url assigned.
Within the Home - Welcome Buttons section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Linked Buttons" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.
ex: {{section-monklet-linked-buttons|find="welcome-buttons"}}
The following category is also used for this section: Section Options: Container - Narrow
Home - About
Settings > Link Lists > About Links
This option display a custom card/column structure from a link list. With each link list item, the following fields are used:
- Name - controls the tag label at the top of each column/card (ie: What)
- Icon Class - controls the icon used in the circle
- Sub Title - controls the title under the icon
- Description - controls the text
- Button Text - used to display the button for each column
- Link - if a url is assigned, the entire card/column will be linkable
See a full list of available icons: http://riverlawn.monkpreview3.com/_assets/fonts/icons/fontawesome/ (substitute the staging url with your domain when your site goes live)
Within the Home - About section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - About Links" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.
ex: {{section-monklet-about-links|find="about-links"}}
The following categories are used for this section:
- Section Options: Section Dark
- Section Options: Section Overlay Color
Note: when using this setup, only the monklet should be included in the section content field and no other content.
Home - Sermon
Content > Sermons
Displays the most recent sermon (title, date, speaker, summary and image). The play button will display the sermon video in a popup/overlay. The "Our Latest" and "Sermon" headings are hard coded.
Within the Home - Sermon section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Latest Sermon" is used. If you'd like to display the latest sermon for a specific category or group, "find_category" or "find_group" parameters can be used as needed.
Home - Events
Events > Events
Displays the 4 most recent featured events in a card format. Event status must be "published as featured". The "register" button will display if the "external registration link" is populated.
Within the Home - Events section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Featured Events (4)" is used. If you'd like to display events for a specific category or group, "find_category" or "find_group" parameters can be used as needed.
ex: {{section-monklet-featured-events-4|find_category="events"}}
The titles are managed in the section content field, and the following section categories are used:
- Section Options: Section Dark
- Section Options: Section Bottom White
Home - Resources
Content > Articles
This monklet displays a rotator from the Articles module. The slides will rotate automatically and the bar pagination dots in the left panel can be used to manually rotate through the slides.
From the article settings, the title, author, date, summary and image are used. The "read more" button will link to the full article. The "Resources and Stories" heading is hard coded.
Within the Home - Resources section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Articles Rotator" is used. If you'd like to display events for a specific category or group, "find_category" or "find_group" parameters can be used as needed.
ex: {{section-monklet-articles-rotator|find_category="stories"}}
The following category is also used for this section: Section Options: Section Short Padding