Livestream Template
Events > Events
The player area with your streaming embed code will display based on the next upcoming event assigned to the “Live Event” category. Within the event settings, the embed code needs to be added to the "Livestream Feed" field.
At the start time of your event, the page will switch to the "Live" version and show the streaming embed code from the "Livestream Feed" field in the event settings. Once the end time of your event occurs, the player will switch back to the default version of the template.
Note: when a streaming event isn't live, the player area will default to show your latest sermon video (content > sermons).
Note: You can test the live version of your page by adding "?live=true" to the end of the url. ex:
Chat with Us
Websites > Sections > Livestream Chat
The section "description" field controls the tab title, and your Chatroll embed code is added to the section content field (in the html).
Livestream Schedule
Websites > Sections > Livestream Schedule
The section "description" field controls the tab title, and the text is ma
Tab Buttons
Settings > Link Lists > Livestream Buttons
Each item in the list controls a button, and the following fields are used: name, link, button text and icon class.
See a full list of available icons:
Livestream - Sermons Section
Content > Sermons
Displays the latest 4 messages from a sermon series.
Within the Livestream - Sermons section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Recent Sermons (4)" is added in the content field. The "find_series" parameter is used in order to specify which series to pull from.
ex: {{section-monklet-recent-sermons-4|find_series="current"}} - this example is pulling messages from the series labeled "current"
The titles are managed in the section content field, and the background color field is used (#0a3d5d). The following section categories are also used:
- Section Options: Section Dark
- Section Options: Section Bottom White
Livestream - Featured Cards Section
Settings > Link Lists > Livestream - Featured Cards
Displays linked items from the Link List module in rows of 4. These appear in card format with the Name as the heading, the Description field as the text and the url field will display as a button and requires the button text.
Images for all links should be the same ratio (re. 16:9, 4:3, etc.) to display the same size in the row of cards.
When using this monklet, the "find" inline parameter is required in order to specify which link list to use.
Within the Livestream - Featured Cards section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Linklist Featured Cards" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to pull from.
ex: {{section-monklet-linklist-featured-cards|find="livestream-featured-cards"}}
The titles are managed in the section content field, and the following section categories are used:
- Section Options: Section Dark
- Section Options: Section Bottom White