Header Background



The page "Header Image" field populates the header background image.  These images should be1,800px by 550px.  If a header video is present this image will be the preview image while the video is loading.

Background Video

Using the field "Header Background Video (mp4/h264)" will replace the background image with a background video.  The video must be MP4/H264 formatted video and should have a ratio of 16:9.

*NOTE - This is a looping/muted background video with no controls so the video should be kept short in size/length.


If a rotator is assigned to a page it will display as an image rotator and supports both url and video links.  Images should maintain the same ratio/size as the "Header Image".

Subpage Default

This template is your two column default template.  If an image is added to the header image field it will display with the page title and page description (optional) as text overlay.  Once a user scrolls or selects the scroll down link the page content will scroll up.  Once the user scrolls back to the top the image will re-appear.

If video or a rotator is assigned to the page it will display above the page content without the scroll feature.

Subpage Fullwidth

The full width template works the same as the default, but the effect will place the image to the left of the page once the user scrolls.  If no image is assigned the content will display at full width.

If video or a rotator is assigned to the page it will display above the page content without the scroll feature.