Next Steps
There are 3 main sections:
- Worship
- Grow
- Serve
There is a general principle to display content of each section. A section can have one or two rows. Each row can have one or 2 columns. Each column is linked to a section.
You can set background color, parallax effect or background image for each section
Worship Section
This section has 1 row. The row has 2 columns
- The content of the left column is editable in the section "Connect - Worship - Left Column"
- The content of the right column is editable in the section "Connect - Worship - Left Column"
We can use a custom monklets such as {{connect-get-links-monklet}} or {{connect-get-buttons-monklet}} to get a list of links or buttons.
These monklets get contents from Link Lists
For example: {{connect-get-links-monklet|find="connect-worship-links"}} will find a link list whose slug name is "connect-worship-links"
If you want to display a video in this area, please use the monklet {{video-embedded-monklet}} or {{video-monklet}}
- video-embedded-monklet: Find a sermon whose video is embedded (such as youtube or vimeo)
- video-monklet: Find a sermon whose video is uploaded to the CMS
To display both left/right section in a single section, we use the Section called "Connect - Worship". It uses the monklet {{section-monklet}} to find a appropriate section
The description field is set to "worship" so the site will know this is a worship section
EX: to display the content from left/right column, we use the code
{{section-monklet|find="connect-worship-left-column"}} {{section-monklet|find="connect-worship-right-column"}}
Note: please make sure, there is no special characters between 2 monklets.
Grow Section
This section has 2 rows. Each row has 2 columns:
1. Row 1
- The content of the left column is the section "Connect - Grow - Row 1 - Left Column"
- The content of the right one is the section "Connect - Grow - Row 1 - Right Colum
2. Row 2
- The content of the left column is the section "Connect - Grow - Row 2 - Left Column"
- The content of the right one is the section "Connect - Grow - Row 2 - Right Colum"
To display 2 events for each category, we use the monklet {{connect-events-monklet}}
For example: To show 2 events whose category is "Discover MDPC", we use {{connect-events-monklet|find_category="discover-mdpc"}}
Other category in the right column of row 2 is called "Membership". Its slug name is "membership"
The main content of this section is CONTENT > SECTIONS > Connect - Grow
The description field is set to "grow" (case-insensitive) so the site knows this is the grow section
It has 2 fields: Content and Secondary Content
- "Content" defines the first row
- "Secondary Content" defines the second one
For example:
Showing the first row: {{section-monklet|find="connect-grow-row-1-left-column"}}{{section-monklet|find="connect-grow-row-1-right-column"}}
Showing the second one: {{section-monklet|find="connect-grow-row-2-left-column"}}{{section-monklet|find="connect-grow-row-2-right-column"}}
Serve Section
This section has only one row and one column.
The section of the row 1 is "Connect - Serve - Row 1"
The main section gets the content from the row one using the monklet {{section-monklet|find="connect-serve-row-1"}}
The description field is set to "serve" (case-insensitive) so the site knows this is the serve section
Connect Template
The "Next Step" page uses the "Connect Template" and links to the main Worship/Grow/Serve Section