Mega Menus
Mega Menu Overview

"Mega Menus" optionally appear when hovering over a main navigation item.
A mega menu is divided into three parts. The left column and right columns can contain custom content. The center column is the sub navigation for the corresponding top level link.
Editing Mega Menus (Step 1 of 2)

The custom content is added to mega menus through the "Sections" manager. The "Sections" manager can be found under the "Content" tab in the main navigation.
A naming convention is used to associate content to nav items.
The left column of a mega menu looks for a "Section" titled "Nav Item [nav postion integer] A", where "[nav position integer]" is the numerical position of the top-level link, beginning from the left.
For example, to add a left column to the mega-menu of the third navigation item, you would create a "Section" titled "Nav Item 3 A".
The right column of a mega menu looks for a "Section" titled "Nav Item [nav postion integer] B", where "[nav position integer]" is the numerical position of the top-level link, beginning from the left.
For example, to add a right column to the mega-menu of the third navigation item, you would create a "Section" titled "Nav Item 3 B".
Find or create the "Section" with the appropriate name. You can create a new "Section" by clicking the "Add a New Section" button on the top right of the screen.
Editing Mega Menus (Step 2 of 2)

Enter the desired text into the WYSIWYG editor. WYSIWYG styles are discussed elsewhere in this documentation.
Click "Ok" to save your changes.