New Here Template

This template displays a mix of sections, articles and events. The sections are assigned from the sections options in the page. The articles and events are dynamically displayed as part of the Get Connected Section.
Welcome Section

The welcome section can contain any type of content and supports all sub page styles.
Service Details and Service Times

The service details section displays content text at the top of the section.
People > Churches > "West Monroe"
The service times and map/directions displays dynamically from the churches module and will display the service times and address from the church.
What to Expect

The expect section can contain any type of content and supports all sub page styles. The current content uses a three column layout.
Example HTML:
<div class="one-third">
<div><img src="" height="auto" width="NaN" /></div>
<h5>Gospel-Centered Teaching</h5>
<p><a href="/pageid-584910/" class="button">Sermons</a></p>
<div class="one-third">
<div><img src="" height="auto" width="NaN" /></div>
<p><a href="/pageid-584912/" class="button">STORIES</a></p>
<div class="one-third omega">
<div><img src="" height="auto" width="NaN" /></div>
<h5>Get In Touch</h5>
<p><a href="/pageid-584913/" class="button">Contact US</a></p>
Get Connected

The get connected displays check box options from different categorized articles and events.
- The first column displays article sub categories from the parent category "New Here - Ministries"
- The second column is a mix of articles and events. Both the articles and events module should have a matching need category labeled "New Here - Need" and have matching sub categories.
- The third column displays article sub categories from the parent category "New Here - Interested"
Get Connected Output

The output displays results from the users selections and allows the user to have the results emailed to them.