Custom Small Group Resources Template
This custom layout uses the "Small Group Resources Template", and the tab titles are controlled under Content > Link Lists > "Small Group Resource Header Links".

You can have up to 6 editable tabs plus the two hard coded tabs for Articles and Curriculum, for a total of 8. Within the link list, you can use the up/down arrows to change the order.
Within each item, the "name" field controls the tab title, and the "description" field will need the cooresponding page title (in slug form). The content from the page will pull into the tab. For example, if you want to use the page "Baptism Questions", then the slug name for the "description" field would be: baptism-questions .
Help Article: Writing Slugs
Note: the info in the "description" field for the Articles and Curriculum tabs is hard coded into the layout, so please make sure this doesn't change.
Home Tab
The "Home" tab is pulling in the page titled "Homepage - Small Groups". The page has two sections assigned and more can be added to the page, if you'd like.

Welcome Section
This content is managed in the "Small Group Home - Welcome" section.
Recent Articles
This section is titled "Small Group Home - Recent Articles", and uses the monklet below to pull in the 3 most recent articles.
The "Recent Articles" title is also managed in the "content" field of this section.
Curriculum Tab
The "Curriculum" tab is managed under Content > Sermons, and the respective sermons need to be published to the “Group Curriculum” group.
Withn the sermon settings, these additional fields are used for the "Curriculum" tab:
- Categories - to filter by category, make sure to assign a category to the sermon details. Categories can be setup under Content > Sermons > Categories tab.
- Discussion Notes - add a "notes" button to the sermon details (page 3)
- Groups Curriculum Video - displays a video on the sermon details (page 3)
Pages 2 and 3 of the “Curriculum” tab use the “Sermons Resource Template”.