
1) Header - More information about the header can be found in the "Header" section in this setup guide.

2) Rotators - Rotator are created in MEDIA > ROTATORS > "Add new Rotator".  Here you can add an image, title, caption, and a link.  The rotator will provide Next / Prev arrows, as well as a pager to display a particular slide.

3) Rotator Captions - This rotator is formatted to display the Title first, followed by caption, then a menu icon for more information if a Link has been added.

4) Tabbed Content - This area displays up to 3 Custom Sections which can be edited on the INDEX page in the pages module.  Simply add a section to "Content Tab (1/2/3)" from the Pages module.

5) Around the Diocese Background / Title - the Home template has a custom section "Around the Diocese Title & Background" that allows customization of this area.  Simply create a section in the sections module (CONTENT > SECTIONS) and add an image to the custom field "Section Background" to change the background, and edit the "Description" field to change the section title.

6) Carousel Feature - Slides can be added to this area by editing CONTENT > LINK LISTS > "Around the Diocese".  Each slide uses the "Name" field which displays at the top, the "Image" field which displays directly below that, the "Description" field which displays directly below the image, and the "Link" field which displays as a menu icon in the bottom right corner.  Images should be sized at 274 x 148 pixels.  Each of these slides have a limited height to maintain consistency, so please use the "Description" field sparingly.

7) Content Feeds - This area displays up to 3 Custom sections which can be edited on the INDEX page in the pages module.  The intent of this area is to incorporate feeds from 3 different modules (Blogs, Articles, and Events).

8) Facebook Feed - this area displays the most recent post from the connected Facebook account.

9) Connect Background / Title - the Home template has a custom section "Connect Title & Background" that allows customization of this area. Simply create a section in the sections module (CONTENT > SECTIONS) and add an image to the custom field "Section Background" to change the background, and edit the "Description" field to change the section title.

10) Connect Icons - This area displays icons / quicklinks to different key areas of the site.  These items can be edited at CONTENT > LINK LIST > "Home - Connect Links".  For each link, the "name" field displays as the title, the "Description" field shows as the subtitle below, the "Custom Icon" field displays the icon above, and the "Link" field connects to location throughout the site.  There are 6 custom icons used in this area: icon-church, icon-play, icon-page, icon-news, icon-folder, and icon-calendar.  Some of these icons have been adjusted to center properly, so change this field at your own risk.

11) Connect Text - This area displays content directly from the section "Home - Connect" with some custom styles to link to different items.

12) Footer - More information about the footer can be found in the "Footer" section in this setup guide.