Image Sizes

Finding Image Sizes with Your Browser

You can use your web browser to see the exact dimensions of the image spaces on your site.

Most modern browsers have an option called "Inspect Element" which is accessible by right-clicking over an area of a website. When selecting this option, typically a panel comes up showing the HTML content and the dimensions of the area. Click on various page elements to see their size.

If you do not see an option to "Inspect Element" you may need to enable Developer Tools in your browser.

Finding Image Sizes with Your Browser

Recommended: Maximum 300px wide


Parallax backgrounds

Recommended: 3200px wide x 1320px high

Parallax backgrounds

Events boxes

Recommended: 1280px wide x 720px high, or 16:9 ratio

Events boxes

Sermon Series Image

Recommended: 1280px wide by 766px high

Recommendation for Images With Text: Keep all text within the image above the 265 pixels high, otherwise it will get covered up by the semi-transparent black bar on the homepage.

Sermon Image

Recommended: 691px wide by 389px high

Homepage Blog Section Image

Recommendation: 1003px wide by 768px high

Image Assigned by going to CONTENT > Sections > Home - Posts > Background Image

Next Steps Section

Recommendation: 16:9 ratio with a minimum of 850px wide x 478px high