Section Monklets
Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages. There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your full width sections.
You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet".
Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to be passed to define items from a specific group, category, etc. and provides details on using these parameters.
*NOTE - Monklets defined with "Section Monklet" in the title can be inserted in the page content area or the content area of a section. Monklets defined with specific layouts will need to be used with the corresponding template.
This monklet uses a link list to display a row of image banner links. Each link in this list should have a name, description and an image. You will use the find inline parameter to define which link list to display.
The custom icons can be created by entering a custom class in the icon class field. A full list of available icons can be found at
Once you find the icon you want to use, click that icon and copy the class to use in that icon class field. eg. Selecting the Facebook icon will yield the class "fa-facebook".
Images should be 1,024px wide by 1,024px tall.
This monklet uses a link list to display several rows of image banner links. Each link in this list should have a name, description and an image. You will use the find inline parameter to define which link list to display.
The custom icons can be created by entering a custom class in the icon class field. A full list of available icons can be found at
Once you find the icon you want to use, click that icon and copy the class to use in that icon class field. eg. Selecting the Facebook icon will yield the class "fa-facebook".
Images should be 1,024px wide by 1,024px tall.
You also have a "light" version of this monklet which will display the background as white. This monklet is called Section Monklet - Featured Banners Light
Displays the same way as the Featured Banners Grid except the text is dark for a light background.
This monklet uses a link list to display a two column row. Each link represents a row. The image is in the larger column and the fields "Heading", "Sub Heading", "Description" are displayed in the smaller column. If a link is assigned the "Button Text" field must also be used. You will use the find inline parameter to define which link list to display.
Images should be 1,024px wide by 768px tall.
*NOTE - The text/info is in the right column by default. Selecting the checkbox "Column Left" will display the text/info in the left column.
**NOTE - Sections should not be called in the description area as this area is hidden on mobile.
This monklet works the same way as the "Section Monklet - Featured Columns" but will hide the description on mobile.
Displays the most recent event published as featured. You can use the find_category or find_group inline parameter to filter as needed.
Displays the 3 most recent events published as featured. You can use the find_category or find_group inline parameter to filter as needed.
You have three Arena integrated Events monklets to be used on Subpages. They are:
- Section Monklet - Arena Event
- Section Monklet - Arena Events 3
- Section Monklet - Arena Events 4
These monklets display in the same format as your "Section Monklet - Featured Event" monklets, but they display directly from Arena rather than from Ekklesia.
To use these monklets, you will insert the monklet into the section. To filter by a specific Arena Topic, you will enter the name of the topic in the "Arena Filter" field.
Displays the most recent post published as featured. The name inline parameter is required to define which blog to pull the post from.
Displays the most recent sermon published as featured. You can use the find_category or find_group inline parameter to filter as needed.
The "Gallery Monklet" can be inserted into the content area of a page to display a specific photo gallery. After you insert the monklet you will use the find_gallery tag to define which gallery to use.
Displays a single staff member with their Name, Title, and Contact info below. The monklet is responsive and will expand to fit the size of the container that it is in, so if it is the only monklet in a fullwidth section, the image will be huge. We recommend inserting this monklet into a column using the Grid Generator to keep it from getting too large.
Typically this monklet would only be able to be used on the New Here layout, but we updated it to work on the INDEX template and Subpage templates as well.
In order to display a row of featured links with icons you will use the monklet "New Here 3 - Featured Links". Before this monklet is placed in the Content field of the page or section, you will first need to create the link list and then enter the link list title into the monklet code.
Content > Link Lists > Create "Your New Featured Links"
Each link item should contain a name and link. The description field is optional and to display an icon you will insert and icon class name in the icon class field. Your site setup guide should contain a link to the icon classes available for your site.
When you have created the new link list you can go to the section/page content area and insert the monklet labeled "New Here 3 - Featured Links". Once the monklet is inserted you will enter the link list name into the monklet code using an inline parameter.