Events #3 with Arena Integration
Your Events layout is integrated with Shelby Arena and display events that are added as Promotions directly from your Arena database.
You will need to define what categories show up in the filter by going to Content > Link Lists > "Arena Event Topics". Each category will need to be entered as a new link. To add a new link to the list, use the green plus sign to the right of the links, or the edit an existing link, use the pencil icon. You can re-order them using the up and down arrows to the left of the links.
You can name the category whatever you like, but you need to put the Topic name in the "description" field. The ID must match what you have in Arena, or it will not filter properly. You can find the names here:
Featured Events and Monklets
The "Featured" Events view will display all events added to Promotions that had the Topic "Featured Main" added to them.
For more information on Arena integrated event monklets, check out the Section Monklets article. You also have Ministry Event and New Here Event monklets that are integrated with Arena, which you can read more about here.