Default Layouts
Ministry #1
Ministry #1 guide can be found at
- The header image and title/header text use the default site approach outlined in this guide .
- The tabs option uses the snippets outlined in the page style instructions of this guide instead of the approach mentioned in the link above.
- "Ministry Layout 1 - Section Classfinder 1" monklet uses events assigned to the category "Classfinder #1" + the page category
Spanish Ministry #1
This is the Spanish version of the Ministry #1 template. All Ministry #1 monklets can apply to the Spanish template version except the following monklets that required language changes:
- Ministry Layout 1 - Section Featured Resources (Spanish)
- Ministry Layout 1 - Section Sermon (Spanish)
- Ministry Layout 1 - Section Staff (Spanish)
- Ministry Layout 1 - Staff Monklet (Spanish)
New Here #3
New Here #3 guide can be found at
Spanish New Here #3
This is the Spanish version of the New Here #3 template. All New Here #3 monklets can apply to the Spanish template version except the following monklets that required language changes:
- New Here 3 - Staff Listing (Spanish)
Staff #3
Staff #3 guide can be found at
People > Members > Groups > Series
The Series will include all of your different staff Groups on the template. The Series will not display anywhere, it is used to control the order Groups appear on your Staff Page. Each series should be followed the campus slug. This is used to separate each area on the template into its specific campus.
SERIES - "Staff Groups Pastors " - campus slug: Used to display all groups in the top pastors area.
SERIES - "Staff Groups Featured" - campus slug: Used to display all groups in a featured area between the pastors and the filtered area.
SERIES - "Staff Groups" - campus slug: Used to display all groups in the filtered area.
Content > Link Lists > "Staff3 Campuses". This link list is used to power your campus filter. The Spanish series should not be included. Each link in this list should have a name that matches your "Staff Groups - campus slug". The description is the display name. "Staff Groups - Wheaton Bible Church" and "Staff Groups - Tri-Village Church" have already been created for you.
GROUPS: Groups are displayed to provide distinction between types of staff members. For example, Pastoral, Administration, Children’s Ministry, Elders, etc.
Staff #3 guide can be found at
Spanish Staff #3
This is the Spanish version of the Staff #3 template. Each of the three series has already been created for this template and you can assign groups/members as needed.
Special Event #1
Special Event #1 guide can be found at
Spanish Special Event #1
This is the Spanish version of the Special Event #1 template. All Special Event #1 monklets can apply to the Spanish template version except the following monklets that required language changes:
- Special Event Monklet - Event Info (Spanish)
- Special Event Monklet - Event Pricing (Spanish)
Articles #4
Articles #4 guide can be found at
- The category "Articles 4" is required. Child categories are optional.
Spanish Articles #4
This is the Spanish version of the Articles #4 template.
- The category "Articles 4 Iglesia del Pueblo" is required for each article. Child categories are optional.
- The group "Iglesia del Pueblo" is required for each article.
Events #4
Events #4 guide can be found at
- Since this layout has the campus filter the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus events #4 items.
- The campus filter uses the event group.
- The Link List "Events #4 Categories" is used to define the matching categories for the non Spanish events and the category color. This is what powers the category filter.
Spanish Events #4
This is the Spanish version of the Events #4 template.
- The category "Events #4" is required for each event. Child categories are optional.
- The group "Iglesia del Pueblo" is required for each event.
- The Link List "Events #4 Categories Iglesia del Pueblo" is used to define the matching categories for the Spanish events and the category color. This is what powers the category filter.
- The content text for the Featured Events is from the section "Events 4 Featured Events Iglesia del Pueblo"
Classfinder #1
Classfinder #1 guide can be found at
- Displays the most recent event published to the "Life Groups" category and pins it to the top above the classfinder results.
- Categories displays as Life Stage.
- Since this layout has the campus filter the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus calssfinder #1 items.
- The campus filter uses the event group.
Spanish Classfinder #1
This is the Spanish version of the Classfinder #1 template.
- The category "Classfinder #1" is required for each event. Child categories are optional.
- The group "Iglesia del Pueblo" is required for each event.
- Displays the most recent event published to the "Grupos Vida" category and pins it to the top above the classfinder results.
- The monklet "Classfinder Layout 1 - Filter (Spanish)" is used for the filter.
- The monklet "Classfinder Layout 1 - Layout (Spanish)" is used for the layout.
- The other default monklets can be used and inline parameters are available to define spanish events.
Volunteer #2
Volunteer #2 guide can be found at
- This requires all articles used for this layout to be assigned to the "Volunteer" category. Each second level category will be used as the parent buttons at the top of the page. If the parent category has categories they will be used as the category drop down (labeled Interest for the Local options)
- The campus filter for Local and Sunday use the article group.
- The Global category must exist but does not use any articles. This button will display the trip list layout from the Missions #1 layout, which uses events. Follow that guide for the trip options.
- The all detail items use two sections for the content tabs. Volunteer Detail Tab - Tab 1 and Volunteer Detail Tab - Tab 2. The description is required to display the tab title.
Spanish Volunteer #2
This is the Spanish version of the Volunteer #2 template.
- This requires all articles used for this layout to be assigned to the "Volunteer Spanish" category. Each second level category will be used as the parent buttons at the top of the page. If the parent category has categories they will be used as the category drop down (labeled Interest for the Local options)
- The group "Iglesia del Pueblo" is required for each article
- The Global category must exist but does not use any articles. This button will display the trip list layout from the Missions #1 layout, which uses events. Follow that guide for the trip options.
Blogs #3
Blogs #3 guide can be found at
Invite #1
The Invite #1 layout guide can be found at
Livestream #1
Livestream #1 guide can be found at
- Since this layout has the campus filter the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus events #4 items.
- This layout requires the page group to match a campus group to ensure the correct live event is used. If not group is assigned to the page the next event assigned to the "Live Event" category will display.
- If there is an upcoming sermon for the matching group that sermon video will display in place of the rotator.
Spanish Livestream #1
This is the Spanish version of the Livestream #1. All three Livestream monklets can apply to the Spanish template version.
- If countdown timer/livestream requires an event with the category "Live Event" and the group "Iglesia del Pueblo".
- If there is a sermon with the group "Iglesia del Pueblo" it will display in place of the rotator.
- The livestream links uses the link list "Live Stream Links Iglesia del Pueblo"
Sermons #5
Sermons #5 guide can be found at
- Since this layout has the campus filter the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus events #4 items.
- This layout requires the page group to match a campus group to ensure the correct sermon entries are used. If the page does not have a group assignement all sermons will display.
Spanish Sermons #5
This is the Spanish version of the Sermons #5 template.
- The group "Iglesia del Pueblo" is required for each sermon. This group will also match determine different filter options.
Missions #1
Missions #1 guide can be found at
Spanish Missions #1
This is the Spanish version of the Missions #1 template. All Missions #1 monklets can apply to the Spanish template version except the following monklets that required language changes:
- Missions 1 - CTA Content Iglesia del Pueblo
- Missions 1 - Stats Iglesia del Pueblo
- Missions 1 Layout - Trips List (Spanish)
- The link lists have also been updated for the Spanish campus for "Missions 1 - CTA Content Iglesia del Pueblo" and "Missions 1 - Stats Iglesia del Pueblo"
The Small Groups for the Spanish will still require the "Missionaries" category and the location category option, but will also require the group "Iglesia del Pueblo"
The Events for the Spanish will still the "Missions Trips Iglesia del Pueblo" category and has its own listing of sub categories from the English trips. These will also require the group "Iglesia del Pueblo"