

In addition to the 2 hard coded top sections and the 6 hard coded bottom sections you can assign up to 4 additional top and bottom sections.  All the default section options are supported.  The description field should be used to label the navigation title for each section.

Note - the only hard coded section that does not have a hard coded heading is "Hub - Find Help".  This is a free form section that uses the content text, monklets, etc.

Hub Section Options

Hub Navigation Icon - This is only used for the Hub template and assigns the icon to the mobile navigation link for the bottom links.

Hub Navigation Image - This is only used for the Hub template and assigns the image to the mobile navigation link for the top links.


A section assigned to the Alert section in the page will display that section text as the red page alert.


Content > Section > "Hub - Help"

This section powers the help directions Lightbox and is not connected to the default/hard coded sections on the page.