
General Notes

  • Events are only synced one year into the future, in order to keep syncing quick and stable for everyone

  • The syncing process is triggered every 15 mins

  • Member sync is supported if Sync members or Sync RSVP is checked

  • The credentials you set up will need to have full admin privileges, and we recommend setting up a generic login (like Username MonkDev or Integration). If you use a personal login, and someone changes their password down the line – the integration will break

Events Integration

  • All events are synced as one-time events. Recurring events are not supported.
  • Events with the "webEnabled" option checked will be synced to the cms.
  • If a previously synced events is made inactive in F1, the event will be removed from the cms in the next sync.
  • The "featured" status needs to be manually added to events in the cms. 
  • Registration links need to be manually added to the “external registration link” field in the cms 
  • F1 only allows for one ministry to be assigned per event, and these are synced as categories in the cms. You can manually added more categories to your events once they are synced in the cms.

Fields Synced

Below is a list of fields synced from F1 and the corresponding fields in the Events module in the CMS.

F1 Event Field

CMS Events Field

Name Name
Schedule Name

We use both F1 name and schedule to determine the CMS Name field.

Description Content
Rooms Rooms
Ministries CMS event category

Start/End Date/Time

We use the F1 instance field to determine Start Date, End Date, Start Time and End Time in CMS

Members Integration

Fields Synced

Here is a list of synced fields, and the synced fields are locked by default in the cms.

F1 Member Field CMS Member Profile Field Description
First Name
Last Name
Title Position
email E-mail Address
E-mail Address

E-mail Address
We check if the F1 email field exists. If not, we check the F1 workEmail. If not, we return the F1 homeEmail
Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Country and Zip
The F1 address is parsed into multiple CMS fields
Birth Date

Home Phone

Work Phone

Cell Phone

Facebook Username

Twiiter Username

WebSite Url

We support photo sync, so this field will be locked in the CMS
Site Groups