Module Layouts
Staff #3
Staff #3 guide can be found at
People > Members > Groups > Series
The Series will include all of your different staff Groups on the template. The Series will not display anywhere, it is used to control the order Groups appear on your Staff Page. Each series should be followed the campus slug. This is used to separate each area on the template into its specific campus.
SERIES - "Staff Groups Pastors ": Used to display all groups in the top pastors area.
SERIES - "Staff Groups Featured": Used to display all groups in a featured area between the pastors and the filtered area.
SERIES - "Staff Groups" - campus slug: Used to display all groups in the filtered area. This requires the campus slug after the staff groups.
Content > Link Lists > "Staff3 Campuses". This link list is used to power your campus filter. Each link in this list should have a name that matches your "Staff Groups - campus slug". The description is the display name.
GROUPS: Groups are displayed to provide distinction between types of staff members. For example, Pastoral, Administration, Children’s Ministry, Elders, etc.
Since this layout has the campus filter the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus staff.
Sermons #7
Sermons #7 guide can be found at
Since this layout has the campus filter the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus sermons (from list view).
Events #5
Events #5 guide can be found at
Since this layout has the campus filter the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus events.
Classfinder #1
Classfinder #1 guide can be found at
Missions #1
Missions #1 guide can be found at
New Here #3
New Here #3 guide can be found at
Articles #4
Articles #4 guide can be found at
Blogs #3
Blogs #3 guide can be found at
Giving #2
Giving #2 guide can be found at
Ministry #1
Ministry #1 guide can be found at
- The monklets "Ministry Layout 1 - Section Events - Campus" and "Ministry Layout 1 - Section Classfinder - Campus" pass the campus/group to pull only the users selected campus/group items.
Prayer #1
Prayer #1 guide can be found at
Sermons #5
Sermons #5 guide can be found at
This has been setup to only show sermons from the group "En Espanol".