Livestream Template
You can test the "Live" version of the page by adding /?live=true to the end of the url.
Welcome Message
The text showing above the video uses the page content.
Background Image
Pulls from the header image field of the page, so you can change this out anytime. For the header image, there’s not a required size, but I would go off the example currently loaded in, which is 1500x928px or using an image with a 16x9 ratio would work as well.
This template uses events assigned to the "Live Event" category and will countdown to the most recent event assigned to that category. If the event is live the video area will display the live stream code you provided from Haivision. If the event is not live the most recent sermon will display.
Sermon Video
By default, the code will look for the haivision video id in the sermon field "Haivision Video ID". If that id is available the haivision video player will display. If that field is left blank the code will look for the video assigned in the media area of the sermon.
Sermon Info
When the page is live, the template will check to see if the section "Livestream - Text" exists and has content. If so, the text from this section will show below the player.
If not, it will automatically show the details from the most recent sermon (title, series, speaker and text). If you have a future sermon date loaded in to the sermons module, the content will show from this future one. However, it will always show the furthest out date, so you'll only want to have one future sermon published as at time, and any other future sermons set to draft.
Offline Video
You can use the link list labeled “Custom LiveStream Media” to display a different “offline” video on your Live page.
This link list can support a single link. You can either use the link field to link to an embed video or mp4 hosted video in the media module. You can also put in a HAI Vision ID in the description field that will place a HAI Vision video in place. If that single link does not have these fields, then the sermon will be used.
Optional Sections
There are 3 optional sections that can be assigned from the Page Sections. These sections support all normal site content, text, columns, etc. but section categories, etc. do not apply.
Three Buttons/Tabs
Livestream - Tab 1, Livestream - Tab 2 and Livestream - Tab 3
These work as tabs and will expand to show the section content on the page. The description field is used for the tab anchor title, and the text will display as the tab content.
Sharing Section
The bottom area uses the “Livestream – Share” section for the content, and the share images pull from the “Livestream Share ” link list.
Each link should contain a name, url and an image that is 1,200px by 1,200px. The description is optional.