Sermons Template
Sermons Template #5 was specially designed to showcase your current and past Sermon Series. This page displays the latest Sermons Series at the top, and includes a 'Filter By' bar allowing viewers to filter sermons by Series, Category, Month and Speaker. Below that it then displays all of the past sermon series in reverse chrolological order.
To utilize this Sermon Templet, you will first need to make sure that you have a page in the Pages Module (CONTENT > Pages) that has this templet assigned to it. See the screenshot below for how to assign a template to a page:

Managing Sermons & Sermons Series
For instructions on how to add sermons, please review this Help Article & Video: Adding Sermons
For instructions on how to add and edit series, see the screenshot below:
Series & Sermon Graphic Sizes
All Sermon & Series Images should be 1,024 pixels wide by 576 pixels high
Sermon Detail Page
Each sermon has its' own detail page where the summary and media file links are located. You can add a custom header image/video as needed for the detail page by uploading an image or video into the "Header Image" and "Header Background Video (mp4/h264)" fields. If these fields are not used the site default header image will be used.