Next Steps Custom Template
1. Page Title and Header Image
This content pulls from the "title" and "header image" fields in your page settings: Content > Pages > Next Steps.
2. New to Jesus Section
This section is managed under Content > Sections > Next Steps - New To Jesus. Within this section, the following fields are used:
- Name: for internal use only
- Content: controls the text, buttons and embedded video within the section. Responsive columns are used to create the two-columned format. To create responsive columns, check out the grid generator tool.
- Background Color: Adding a hex code will change the background color of a section. Refer to your color picker to grab the correct code. Using the Color Picker.
- Background Image (default setup): The image will display behind the section content and replace the color if uploaded
- Dark Background (default setup): Inverts the section content to show white text on a dark background
Help Article: Creating Responsive Columns
3. New to Church Section
Within this section, the following fields are used:
- Name: for internal use only
- Content: controls the text, buttons and upcoming events monklet. Responsive columns are used to create the two-columned format. To create responsive columns, check out the grid generator tool.
- Background Color: Adding a hex code will change the background color of a section. Refer to your color picker to grab the correct code. Using the Color Picker.
- Background Image: The image will display behind the section content and replace the color if uploaded
- Dark Background: Inverts the section content to show white text on a dark background
Note: No background color or image is used for this section, so it defaults to white.
Upcoming Events Monklets
Within the Content field, the following monklet is used for Upcoming Classes:
The "find_category" parameter will only display events that have the Classes category assigned.
4. Tabbed Content
The content for each tab is managed under Content > Sections > Next Steps - Tab Content 1-3. The Content field in each section is used for text, buttons, etc.
Tab Content sections 1 and 3 will also include the monklet below, which pulls in events:
You will need to add the "find_category" inline parameter to specify which category of event you'd like to display for each section. The category will need to be setup under the Events module and then added to the monklet tag.
Help Article: Using Inline Parameters
Managing the Tab Titles
The order and tab titles are managed under Content > Link Lists > Next Steps - Tabs. Each tab will be listed as a separate item, and you can click the pencil icon to edit each one.
Within each item, the "Name" field will display as the tab title. The name of the corresponding section content you want to display with the tab will be specified in the "Description" field.
Note: The "Description" field is already setup for you with each section name, so no changes are needed to this field.
Organizing the Tabs
The Next Steps - Tabs Content section is used to display the Next Steps Tab link list. This section is then specified in the Sections area of your page settings.
5. Ministries Section
This section is managed under Content > Sections > Next Steps - Ministries. The title and text are managed in the Content field.
You will also see the monklet below that pulls in the Ministries rotator:
Ministries Rotator
This rotator is managed under Content > Link Lists > Ministries. Each one will be listed as a separate item, and you can click the pencil icon to edit each one.
Within each item, the following fields are used: Name, Link, Image, and Description.
Help Article: Editing Link Lists