Articles #3
Navigate to Content > Articles
Articles are a detailed and informative communication tool that are designed to inform readers of stories, resources, or updates,
The Articles Template #3 will display 3 featured articles, the 5 most recent published articles, and include the option for viewers to filter by Archives, Categories, Author, and Search.
Articles can include video, audio, image, and a summary and content.
To add the Articles Template to your website: Content > Pages > Navigation > + New Item > for Content select 'All Articles'

The Articles Template does not have a header image option.
Article Detail Page
When an article is selected from the overall list an article detail page will open to display the full content of that article. The conent of the article can host video embeds, images, and links.
To add new article navigate to Content > Add A New Article. Assign the article a nice image, an author, and a category for easy filtering for your website visitors.
Recommended image size: 982 × 519 pixels

Help Site - Adding Articles