NOTE: The Splash page is titled as INDEX in your website CMS. This page is using the "Splash" template.

The welcome text is managed in the "Content" field of the page: Content > Pages > Index.

Pastor's Photo
The Pastor's photo is also managed in the Index page settings, under the "Header Image" field.
Splash Footer

The bottom half of your Splash page is managed under Content > Sections > Splash Footer.
The content on the right side is using the "Content" field within the section, and the left-hand image is loaded into the image field.
Within the Content field, you will see two monklet tags: (1) for the icons under "Our Mission" and (2) for the social icons under "Get Connected". These icons are pulling from Content > Link Lists (see below), so please make sure these monklet tags are not removed.

Splash Icons
The icons listed under "Our Mission" are setup under Content > Link Lists > Splash Icons. Within each item, you can update the "name" and "link" fields.
Social Icons
The social icons under "Get Connected" are setup under Content > LInk List > Social Media. Please note, this also controls the social media in the header area of the site.