Advent Template

The "Advent Template" will display the page content above the calendar and full width sections below, the same as the full width template. The calendar will display immediately after the page content.
Calendar items are managed under Content > Articles
- The calendar displays article entries assigned to the "Advent" category with a date that falls in the current December month/year. There can only be 1 entry per day.
- All calendar numbers are hidden and to display an article on the calendar the entry MUST have an image. Images should be 300px by 300px and have transparent backgrounds in order to display the hover effect beneath the image.
- If an article entry has the "No URL" option checked the image will only displays as a background for that day, otherwise the "External URL" will be used and if that is empty the user will be taken to the site Article detail template.
- The Article detail template uses the dark green coloring and displays the previous/next Advent entry if one is available.
- If you desire to have two dates with background images that match up or bleed over you will need to design your images to match and then load each image to its corresponding day.