Live Stream #1 V2
Service Tabs
The two tabs at the top of the layout use the groups module to display groups assigned to the "Livestream Groups" series (people > groups > Livestream Groups). Within the series settings, you can change the order of the tabs.
Livestream Code
For each group assigned to the "Livestream Groups" series, the livestream code and twitter handle are managed within the group settings.
When the stream isn't live, you can assign an image rotator to display for each service tab. The matching group name needs to be added to the end of the rotator title, ex: Livestream Rotator - ASL Interpretation
The sidebar accordions for each tab are managed under the "Live Stream Accordions" link lists. Each link list must have a matching group at the end of the title, ex: Live Stream Accordions - Sunday Service.
For each item in the list, the "name" field controls the accordion title. The content should be managed in a separate section, and the slug title of the corresponding section added to the "description" field of the link list item.
ex: livestream-accordion-1
Additional Sections
You can add additional fullwidth sections to the bottom of the layout. These are not part of the livestream content that will change based on the tab selection.