There are two subpage templates: "Subpage Default" and Subpage Wide". Both of these templates support the page content, sections, etc. but the default uses a container to keep the main page content confined to a specific width where the wide template removes this container bringing the main content to full width.
*NOTE - The "Subpage Wide" is primarily used for your landing pages and the landing monklet.
**NOTE - The "Style Guide" and "Style Guide Example" pages have been setup to review your site default styles.
Landing Monklet
A monklet is a snippet of code that allows you to display module content (link lists, sermons, etc.) inside of a page. The landing monklet was created to display featured areas within a page. This monklet displays a background image with a featured heading/text and a link button.
*NOTE - This monklet can be used on either the default or wide template. The wide template will display at full width and match the designs. You can use as many of these monklets on a page as needed. An example has been setup on your "Connect" page.
Landing Monklet List
The landing monklet uses the link list module and a list will need to be created for each monklet. From the link list module you can create the list and will use the Name, Link, Image and Description fields. The image field serves as the link background and should be 475px by 291px (for retina images you can use 950px by 582px).
*NOTE - If an image field is left blank the default image created by your designer will be used.
Landing Monklet Use
To insert the landing monklet you will click the "Insert" option and under "Insert Monklet" you will select the "Landing Monklet" option. After the monklet has been inserted into a page you will use the find tag to define the link list to use. The monklet and find should be separated by a line and the equal quotes should contain the link list slug name. A slug is the name of the link list in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces (eg. the list Landing Connect Kids slug would be landing-connect-kids).
I'm New Page
The I'm New page uses the subpage default and has been setup to replicate the design.
*NOTE - The concepts behind the "I'm New" and "Landing" pages have been added to the subpage templates so these can be used in multiple scenarios.