Header Background

The page "Header Image" field populates the header background image. These images should be 1,600px by 556px (for retina images you can use 3,200px by 1,112px).
Home Page
The home page (index.php template) is the only page that uses the larger header background image. That image should be 1,600px by 1,078px (for retina images you can use 3,200px by 2,156px).
If an image is not assigned the default image will be used. The default can be updated from the Link List "Header Image Default". This list has a single link labeled "Default Image". This should be the only link in the list, but the image in the link can be updated as needed.
Grain Effect
Selecting the page checkbox labeled "Header Image Grain Effect" will enable the background image to enlarge/shrink with a grain effect overlay.
Background Video
Using the field "Header Background Video (mp4/h264)" will replace the background image with a background video. The video must be MP4/H264 formatted video.
*NOTE - This is a looping/muted background video with no controls so the video should be kept short in size/length.
Page Title

The field labeled "Page Title" is used to populate the page heading.
*NOTE - By default the actual page name is not used. To display a title in the heading the field "Page Title" must be used.