Media Archive Template

The media archive template is not currently assigned in the main site navigation but is linked in the Media Navigation list.

Users can search or filter by topic (sermon keywords) or passage.
Sermon Series View

If a user selects a series from the landing page they will view the series archive page. This will display all sermons in the series with a link to the detail modal. If the sermon image is used it should be the same dimensions as the series image - 1,600px by 960px (for retina images you can use 3,200px by 1,920px). If a sermon does not have an image and a Vimeo video is assigned to the field Vimeo the Vimeo thumbnail image will be used.
The sermon date and custom date (if one is used) will display below the image followed by the sermon title.
Sermon Filter View

If a user selects from the tag or passage filter they will view the sermon archive filter page. This will display all sermons in the filter option with a link to the detail modal. The series image is used and all images assigned to a series should be the same dimensions as the header image - 1,600px by 960px (for retina images you can use 3,200px by 1,920px).
The sermon date and custom date (if one is used) will display below the image followed by the sermon title.
Detail Modal

The sermon detail modal shows the custom date (if one is used) and the title at the top. The media will default to video assigned to the Vimeo field (it will then check the normal video field if the Vimeo field is not used), otherwise the audio will display. Priority is put on the Vimeo field for video. The sermon media area video will be used as a fallback and supports either third party (Vimeo/YouTube) or hosted video. If you use hosted video it will need to be MP4/H264 formatted video.
The audio will display the media audio option. If an audio is assigned to the spanish custom field (SAP) the user will see the default media audio with a button to switch to the spanish mp3.
The full service field should use a Vimeo media item.
There are also two options for documents. The notes field is used for the Life Group Study link and the transcript field is used for the transcript link.