Missions Template

The missions template is currently assigned to the missions page and uses a normal subpage default layout with the exception of the map and upcoming mission trip list.
Updating Map/List
Content > Events > Category > "Missions"
The map and list display all active events assigned to the Missions category. Each mission event should have a title and location data entered into the longitude and latitude fields The long/lat fields are text fields that will need the long/lat details for the location of the map marker. These can be obtained from Google maps website. The event website field is used to populate the mission event link and the start/end days are used in the marker info window.
Map Coordinates

To get the longitude and latitude information for a specific event you can go to http://googl.com/maps and search for the location. In the url will you see the longitude and latitude numbers. You can copy and paste them into the event long/lat fields (latitude is the first number and longitude the second).
*NOTE - Each mission event will need a unique long/lat.