Media Template

This template is the landing page for the site media and has the option for a custom header section followed by the recent series and sermon scrolls.
*NOTE - This template only uses the sermon category "Main Service".
Custom Header

This template has a section option labeled "Header Feature". This uses the section Background Image for the header image and the section text for the text overlay. None of the other section fields are used in the header.
Media Navigation

Content > Link Lists > "Media Navigation"
Sermon Series

This scroll displays recent series with a link to the series landing page. The series image is used and all images assigned to a series should be the same dimensions as the header image - you have requested this header image to be 1,600px by 960px (for retina images you can use 3,200px by 1,920px). If a series does not have an image the title is used.
Recent Sermons

This scroll displays recent sermons with a link to the detail modal. You have the option of determining the sermon image. If the sermon image is used it should be the same dimensions as the series image - 1,600px by 960px (for retina images you can use 3,200px by 1,920px). If a sermon does not have an image and a Vimeo video is assigned to the field Vimeo the Vimeo thumbnail image will be used.
The sermon date and custom date (if one is used) will display below the image followed by the sermon title.