Sticky Footer Bar
To edit the content of this bar, go to Content > Link Lists > "Livestream Bar - Content"
The first item is the content that displays in front of the buttons when the countdown timer is not on. You can edit the content in the "description" field to say whatever you like.
The second and third items will display as buttons that link to elsewhere on your site. The "Name" field will display as the text on the button.
Countdown Timer
The countdown timer will countdown to the next live event beginning on Fridays. It will only display on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and will replace the description that displays during the week.
To set a live event, you will add a new Event by going to Events > Events > Add a New Event in Shelby CMS. You will need to add the category "Live Service" in order to trigger the countdown.
Once the event starts, the countdown timer will switch to a "We're Live Now" message.
To test the countdown timer functionality, you can visit the link: ( when the site goes live)