Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages. There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your pages and full width sections on both Subpages and your Homepage.
You can use a monklet by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet".
Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to be passed to define items from a specific group, category, etc. and provides details on using these parameters.
*NOTE - Monklets defined with "Section" in the title can be used in sidebar sections. Other monklets should be used in fullwidth sections.
Displays various quotes in a rotating format by looking for a link list. You can use this monklet in the page content area or a section. Steps to using this monklet:
- Create link list by going to Content > Link Lists > Add a new Link List
- Add a new link. The "name" of the link doesn't matter, but everything in the "Description" field will display on the page
- Insert the monklet and tell it to "find" the name of the link list you created using the inline parameter syntax. Ex: {{rotating-blockquotes-monklet|find="rotating-blockquotes-example"}}
For help with using link lists, check out our help article here:
For help differentiating pages, sections, link lists, and monklets, check out our help article here:
Displays text and image links in rotating format by looking for a link list. This can be used in the content area of a page or a section. Steps to using this monklet:
- Create a link list by going to Content > Link Lists > Add a New Link List
- Add a link. The first item in the list will display the "Name" field in the top left.
- Add another link, which will display as the title/text section in the left column of the image carousel. The Name will display as the title, the Description field will display as the text below. If a link is assigned, the "learn more" button will appear automatically. After you save this item, you will need to edit it again, and you will notice a new option called "parent" appear. You will need to then assign this as the child link of the first item.
- Add two or three more links, which will display as image links to the right of the title/text. The "Name" will display over the image links. These need to be added as "child" links of the links above.
Below are two images of the new parent field, as well as a complete example of a link list setup for this image carousel.
Displays the most recent sermon added to the Sermons module. This can be used in the content area of a page or a section. To use this monklet, simply insert it into a section and it will display the latest sermon information. You can use the find_group or find_category parameters as needed. An example would be: {{recent-sermon-monklet|find_category="contemporary"}}
For help on using the sermon module, check out our help article here:
Displays the next four upcoming sermons with either the blended or contemporary category added, depending on which monklet option you are using. To use this monklet, simply insert it into a section and it will display the latest sermon information. You can use the find_group or find_category parameters as needed.
You have two options:
- Blended: {{recent-sermons-blended-section-monklet}}
- Contemporary: {{recent-sermons-contemporary-section-monklet}}
Displays the 6 most recent upcoming events added to the event module in Shelby CMS. This can be used in the content area of a page or a section. If you'd like to display the most recent three events from a specific category or group, you can use the find_group or find_category parameters. To use this monklet, simply insert it into a section.
For help on using inline parameters, check out our help article here:
For help on adding events, check out our help article here:
Displays the 6 most recent upcoming events added to the event module in Shelby Arena. This can only be used in a section on a Subpage, not the content area of a page. To use this monklet, simply insert it into a section. If you'd like to display the most recent three events from a specific category, there is a field called "Arena Events Category" where you can type the name of the category and it will filter the monklet automatically. Inline parameters do not work with this monklet.
Displays the most recent upcoming events added to the event module in Shelby Arena. This can only be used in a section on a Ministry Template. To use this monklet, simply insert it into a section. If you'd like to display the most recent events from a specific category, there is a field called "Arena Events Category" where you can type the name of the category and it will filter the monklet automatically. Inline parameters do not work with this monklet.
This monklet displays the latest blog post. You must use the "name" inline parameter to define which blog to pull from. This can be used in the content area of a page. You have an additional monklet with slightly different styling to be used in a section.
Here is an example of what this would look like: {{latest-blog-post-monklet|name="from-pastor-ray"}}
This monklet displays the latest blog post. You must use the "name" inline parameter to define which blog to pull from. This can be used in a section. You have an additional monklet with slightly different styling to be used in the content area of a page.
Here is an example of what this would look like: {{latest-blog-post-section-monklet|name="from-pastor-ray"}}
Displays a single upcoming featured event from Shelby CMS. This can be used in the content area of a page or a section. It will display the next upcoming featured event if no parameters are used. To use this monklet, insert into a section. You can tell it to display the next upcoming featured event in a specific category or group using an inline parameter. For example: {{featured-event-monklet|find_category="staff"}}
For help on using inline parameters, check out our help article here:
For help on adding events, check out our help article here:
Displays either 2 or 3 images across. You can use this in a section. Steps to using this monklet:
- Create link list by going to Content > Link Lists > Add a new Link List
- Add a new link. The "name" will display at the top, everything in the "Description" field will display below the name, and it will all display over an image. The learn more button is automatically generated by adding a link.
- Insert the monklet and tell it to "find" the name of the link list you created using the inline parameter syntax. Ex: {{fullscreen-image-links-section-monklet|find="ministry-image-links"}}
For help with using link lists, check out our help article here:
For help differentiating pages, sections, link lists, and monklets, check out our help article here: