Subpage Sections

Your Subpage templates allows up to 9 content sections and 5 sidebar sections (sidebar sections only display on the default template). Each section can contain text, images, etc.
Content > Sections
Content - This is the main content block and supports the content/styles of the page content.
Background Color - This color allows you to set the background color of the section and should be a html hex value. A good reference is
Background Image - This serves as the section background image. This image should be 1,400px in width by the desired height. The height will depend on the amount of content in the section. A recommended height would be between 600px and 1,200px (double for retina).
Dark Background - Selecting this checkbox displays the content in white color on top of the site default section background color or dark background image.
Parallax Background - This option turns the Background Image into a parallax background.
Mobile Category
If a section is assigned the category "Mobile Background" the mobile/smaller screens will get a different view/orientation than the desktop view. You should use the psd provided by the designers to format the image correctly (background color fading from left to right into the image at 1,366px width by 445px tall...2,732px width by 890px tall if you want to use the retina size) and use this image as the section background image. The color entered into the "Background Color" must match the color used to fade in the psd created image.
The mobile view will display the gradient color from top down with the orienation of the image displaying from the right side. On larger screens this gradient/orientation will be removed and the image will be used as the section normal background image.
*NOTE - The parallax option should not be used with this option.