Creating a Resource
Content > Sermons
All resources are entered in the Sermons module and displayed on the page using the "Resources Template". Groups used for this layout are "Books", "Guest Teachings", "Sermons" and "Studies".
Sermon Detail

- Title: Name of the Resource
- Categories: Currently the only categories used for the Resources template are stored under the parent category "Sermons" and contain the Morning/Evening service options, En Espanol and the Next Week categories. The Next Week category is used for the home page monklet and hidden from the Resources Template.
- Series: Used for the resources series.
- Key Passage: Powers the Scripture filter and meta tag for Scripture.
- Date: Date of resource
- Preacher: Listed as Speaker for all resources, except Books (uses Author)
- Bulletin: Currently used for the sermons on the Sermons #5 template and the home page monklet.
- Buy Book: The full URL option for users to purchase a book resource.
- Buy Series: The full URL option for users to purchase a series.
- Buy Sermon: The full URL option for users to purchase a sermon.
- Header Image: Currently only used for Book Resources on the landing page. Should follow the normal site Header Image specs.
- Resource ID: This is used to match with a media category from the Media module to provide additional media for the user.
- Spanish Title; Displays the Spanish title of the resource.
Sermon Content

- Summary: Displays in place of the preview from the content field and also used on the Books landing page a the Heading 3 quote.
- Keywords: Displays on the resource detail and links to additional resources with the same tag.
- Content: Content text of the resource.
Sermon Media

Sermon Media will be used to display in all filtered results and detail views of the resource. Even if the Resource ID is used to bring in additional media the media items assigned in this area is what is used when a user views the resource. Images should be at a 16:9 ratio (eg. 1024px by 576px) if the sermon/resource contains video/audio. Books, etc. can have alternate ratios.
Sermon Published Group

Each resource MUST receive a single group assignment. "Books", "Guest Teachings", "Sermons" or "Studies".
Sermon Detail (Resource ID)

The Sermon Resource ID is used to tie a specific sermon/resource to additional media in the Media module. The ID entered into the sermon should match the ID entered as a Category under the Resources parent category inside the Media module.
Resources Type is the parent category contains 5 different options and is used to separate out different media for the media filter.
- Audio: Displays all audio for listening and populates the Audio media filter. The description of the media item is the title of the filter. These files should be MP3 format.
- Video: Displays all audio for listening and populates the Video media filter. The description of the media item is the title of the filter.
- Downloads: This has 3 child categories for each of the 3 different download types. The media item for download should receive the Download category and the corresponding child category eg. a video download item will receive the "Downloads" category and the "Downloads Video" child carroty. The description of the media item is the title of the filter.
- Spanish Downloads and Spanish Media: All media to display inside the player should receive the category "Spanish Media" and all media to be downloaded should receive the category "Spanish Downloads". The description of the media item is the title of the filter.
*NOTE - Because video is typically with a third party such as Vimeo, YouTube, etc. the downloads should be a separate MP4 file.
Sermon Series

The series does not have specific custom fields available so all content for the series will need to be entered into the summary WYSIWYG field. Also, your designs show/hide specific series information on different views so specific classes will need to be used.
- If a Spanish title is needed it should be first with a Heading 5 tag.
- For the custom date field you will need to place a div tag with the class "get-series-date". eg. <div class="get-series-dates"></div>
- The preview text paragraph should have the "preview" class assigned.
- If you use a button for the Buy Series link the paragraph will need to have the class "more".
- Series Images should be at a 16:9 ratio (eg. 1024px by 576px).
Example HTML
<h5>Spanish Title</h5>
<div class="get-series-dates"></div>
<p class="preview">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis bibendum nisl quam, nec vehicula arcu consectetur eget. Proin congue ex sollicitudin elit bibendum.</p>
<p class="more"><a class="btn btn-default" href="/pageid-1071042/">Buy Series</a></p>