Default Layouts
Sermons #5
Sermons #5 guide can be found at
- The category "Student Ministry" is required. Child categories are optional.
Livestream #1
Livestream #1 guide can be found at
Volunteer #2
Volunteer #2 guide can be found at
- Uses the parent category "Volunteer". All article entries should receive this category. Sub categories are optional. Articles are imported from Ministry Platform.
Volunteer #2 - Care
Volunteer #2 guide can be found at
- This layout uses Small Groups module instead of the Articles Module and items are imported from Ministry Platform.
- Uses the parent category "Care and Support". All group entries should receive this category. Sub categories are optional.
Volunteer #2 - Outreach
Volunteer #2 guide can be found at
- Uses the parent category "Local Outreach". All article entries should receive this category. Sub categories are optional.
Ministry #1
Ministry #1 guide can be found at
- The header image and title/header text use the default site approach outlined in this guide .
- The tabs option uses the snippets outlined in the page style instructions of this guide instead of the approach mentioned in the link above.
- The monklet "Ministry Layout 1 - Section Volunteer (Smallgroup No Category)" is the ministry volunteer monklet that uses the small group module. This layout does not use the page category, but this monklet takes inline parameters. Displays 3 groups with no pagination.
New Here #3
New Here #3 guide can be found at
- The monklet "New Here 3 - Section Small Groups 1" is the same monklet from the Ministry #1 layout, but this monklet takes inline parameters. Displays 5 groups with no pagination. The right column default image comes from the link list "Ministry Layout - Small Groups Image".
Staff #3
Staff #3 guide can be found at
People > Members > Groups > Series
The Series will include all of your different staff Groups on the template. The Series will not display anywhere, it is used to control the order Groups appear on your Staff Page.
SERIES - "Staff Groups Pastors ": Used to display all groups in the top pastors area.
SERIES - "Staff Groups Featured": Used to display all groups in a featured area between the pastors and the filtered area.
SERIES - "Staff Groups": Used to display all groups in the filtered area.
GROUPS: Groups are displayed to provide distinction between types of staff members. For example, Pastoral, Administration, Children’s Ministry, Elders, etc.
Staff #3 guide can be found at
Special Event #1
Special Event #1 guide can be found at
Articles #4
Articles #4 guide can be found at
- The category "Articles 4" is required. Child categories are optional.
Articles #4 - Administration
Articles #4 guide can be found at
- The category "Administration" is required. Child categories are optional.
Articles #4 - Publications
Articles #4 guide can be found at
- The category "Publications" is required. Child categories are optional.
Prayer #1
Prayer #1 guide can be found at
Events #3
Events #3 guide can be found at